Since our beginning, people have arrived at our campus and asked the same questions, “How are you all doing this?” “How do you survive?” “You are a spiritually progressive collective in the heart of the bible belt?” Great questions and yes, we scratch our head regularly out of astonishment and gratitude for this space.
Simply put, VL is here because our collective wants it to be. We don’t teach tithing, pass offering plates, promise mansions in heaven, leverage fear, guilt, shame, or cajole anyone to give. We simply invite people to give out of the overflow of their heart. Paul said it this way, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” That’s it.
We believe money is an energetic exchange of love. We receive no outside support from other churches or parent organizations. We are here because you believe the bible belt needs a fully inclusive, progressive, and experimental unicorn collective like ours. If you want to give an expression of love, please consider donating. You can also sign up for recurring giving.
For every donor who has taken us this far - Thank You!