Kindergarten - 5th Grade
VL Kids exists to create a safe, welcoming space for kids to wake up to and grow in the goodness and love of the Divine within them and all around them. On any given Sunday, you will observe children reconnecting with familiar friends and asking new faces to play! We start each Sunday with play as a way to connect, engage, and meet new people. Then, we move into a large group setting where we share, play a community building game, and engage in an activity surrounding our theme at the moment.
It’s important to our team that themes and lessons feel relevant to elementary aged students. We want the kids in our care to feel equipped to make decisions in their everyday lives that are true to themselves and have a foundation of love, peace, and justice.
Our Values for Kids
You are a child of God.
Jesus shows us what God is like.
God is love.
Questions are good.
We can love God, ourselves, and others.
Together we can change the world.
We are a space where children in our collective can find belonging and connection. We seek to support families as they raise spiritually healthy kids who know from the beginning their inherent goodness, and that they are born already loved and united with God.
We respect children as full human beings and celebrate them as they grow into their unique selves and belovedness.
We want children to experience their connectedness to the Divine, to themselves, and to everyone around them, and to be able to love God, themselves, and others. We want kids to grow into justice seekers and peace makers, to know that questions are good, and that our understanding of God and the world should evolve over time as we learn, experience, and grow.
Kids (Kindergarten - 5th) is located in the separate building to the back left.
Drop off for Kids begins at 10:45 AM.
Our team wil help you regiser your child and complete the secure check-in process. In the event we need to contact you during the service, we will send you a text message.
VL Kids and Kids Jr. exists because of an amazing team of volunteers. Every volunteer participates in a background check and receives appropriate training from our staff.
Children who show signs of contagious illnesses and/or fever should be symptom free for 24 hours before coming to our kids’ environments.
It is our desire to provide an environment for everyone, regardless of abilities or needs. When possible, a one-on-one buddy will be offered to assist in creating an inclusive environment for your child.
VL Kids and Kids Jr. would love to have your children in our space, but if you would prefer, they are more than welcome to attend service with you.